
中國雲計算發展里臨的三年夜挑戰 - 英語演講


Tencent is China's largest privately owned enterprise oriented toward prehensive Internet business. Founded 12 years ago, it is a testament to the miraculous development of China's Internet industry. Today, all friends connected with the industry gather together here, giving me a precious opportunity to share with you some of our thoughts on the development and prospects of cloud puting in China, our technological focuses, and the influence of cloud puting on the Internet industry and the entire IT industry.


As China's largest Internet pany, Tencent offers high-quality network services to 400 million users across the country. We boast all kinds of Internet businesses, including instant-munication tools, online media, online games, SNS societies, search engines and e-business. Such a wide service range is rare both in China and in the other parts of the world. The advanced cloud puting technology has made it possible for Internet users to enjoy good services more conveniently and opened a spacious room for the development of the Internet industry in the following years.


It only took cloud puting a few years to change from a vague idea to real technology. Chinese Internet panies, including Tencent, caught the trend fortunately. Different panies may have a different understanding on this technology. For Tencent, the key value of cloud puting is that it can utilize the public network structure to make our puting ability, processing ability and logic ponents as assessable as household tap water and electricity. With the aid of cloud puting, we can help users to acquire any anytime, anywhere. This is an unprecedented convenience as pared with the PC era and the initial periods of the Internet era. This is our understanding of cloud puting platform.


In recent years, the Chinese government and Chinese enterprises have invested large quantities of funds, devices and personnel to develop cloud puting technologies. For instance, Tencent is building Asia's largest data center to support a cloud platform and developing a cloud puting platform to support distributed storage, parallel puting and intelligent resource management. Other Chinese enterprises are also working on cloud puting hardware and related support. At the same time, the government is working with the industry to set up relative national standards.


Now, I would like to talk about the major technologies and challenges Tencent is focusing on. Since you are all familiar with super data centers, high-speed broadband network and the cloud puting platform that can manage these hardware devices and systems, I will show you three other key technologies and challenges.


First, security. Let's make a parison. If personal puters and pany puters are like one's safe, and if is money, the practice of storing in a puter is like putting money in his safe, which is, of course, inconvenient and not good for liquidity. Instead, depositing money in a bank is more convenient and safer, on the condition that the bank is secure and credible. In this sense, the key to popularizing cloud puting technology and gaining users' recognition is how safe the Internet is. In terms of technology, efforts should be made to ensure that users can conveniently use services in the cloud and that the services are safe and that users' privacy is protected. We all know that in the online world, it's difficult to realize convenience and safety at the same time. How to address the issue bees the key to popularizing cloud puting. In the past decade, Tencent has made continuous efforts to develop technologies on security,翻译资讯. A professional team is working 24 hours a day to protect user with the best devices and solutions. Generally speaking, we are now able to offer users easy access to our online products and services anytime, anywhere and ensure their is safe. In this situation, users are willing to use our cloud services and move data from their own terminals to our cloud-based "data bank." With regard to laws and policies, efforts should be made to prohibit acts that may harm the safety of user , thus to foster an environment conducive to the development of cloud puting and the entire industry.


The second thing I want to talk about is the platform, which should be universal, standardized and open to all. An advantage of cloud puting is the consistent experience it offers users on all terminals and systems. Currently, the scope of "personal puter" has expanded from traditional PC and Mac puters to smart terminals like cell phones, flat-panel puters, Internet TV and car infotainment systems. And puter operating systems have seen a rigorous development, with Android, iOS, Meego and other new systems emerging in addition to Windows. To support all these terminals and systems, cloud puting must be standardized and universal. Now, the government is working with Internet enterprises, including Tencent, to set up unified standards. An objective of cloud puting is to make puting resources accessible to the whole society in the most economic way. Given the large scale of the work, it's impossible and unnecessary for every enterprise and institution to develop its own cloud puting platform. This work can be done by major Internet panies. To achieve the objective, Tencent insists that the cloud puting platform be universal, standardized and open to all. The openness and cooperativeness of the platform is key to its popularity and its influence on IT Industry and national economy. Platform suppliers should ensure their puting abilities, mass data storage and bandwidths can be as available as water and electricity for small- and medium-sized enterprises and research institutions. If suppliers take cloud puting as a monopolized resource, use it to control enterprises in the midstream and downstream industry and make special rules to force the enterprises to use these services, the entire IT industry will be ruined in the long run. In the principle of openness, cooperation and mutual benefit, Tencent hopes to work with other Internet panies to promote technological development and industry development based on cloud puting. We hope to help Internet users share and services on cloud platform, help small- and medium-sized enterprises and research institutions share cloud puting results and make our contributions to the development of value-added, cloud-based products and services.


The third thing I want to talk about is the key role of cloud applications and services. Cloud puting is only a bearer. Services and applications based on it are the most important. Without the services and applications, cloud puting is useless. Therefore, Tencent will integrate all IT services, including instant munication tools, online media, office automation, online games, SNS societies, search engines and e-business, on the basis of cloud puting. Only in this way can we bring real benefits to users. Next, I will take the QQ cloud as an example to show you our strategy on cloud application. After my explanation, you will see the values cloud puting can bring to users, and you will see the influence cloud puting can leave on the Internet and IT industries. The objective of the QQ cloud is to build an application platform where users can safely bring their service portfolio, online habits and private data to any other scenes. To achieve this, we will first offer users consistent trans-terminal, trans-system services. Currently, there are a variety of terminals and systems, such as the PC, smart phone and flat-panel puter, but they all use the Web as the application platform. Based on the Web, the QQ cloud tries to build a plete cloud-application system to ensure that users can enjoy consistent cloud services. The QQ cloud offers a browser-server, plug-and-play cloud platform, saving users from troubles caused by various terminals. Meanwhile, it allows users to safely bring their cloud service portfolio, user habits and private data to any other application scene. Based on the cloud platform, the QQ cloud can provide users with customized services and social services based on users' contact chain. Users' demands and habits differ. In the past, such was stored on their own terminals, unable to be taken to other places. Now, based on the cloud platform, we can help users choose different service portfolios according to the time and the scene and safely synchronize the portfolios between various terminals or public devices. Users can use the portfolios, including UI, application settings and message receiving and processing mode, in a familiar environment in their accustomed way. Meanwhile, users can share their cloud applications, experiences and creations with friends in their societies. We always stress that cloud puting development needs the efforts of the entire IT industry and the whole society. We advocate an open, market-oriented business environment. The QQ cloud is an open platform. It's impossible to have any single pany develop all applications and services. To build a healthy, win-win industrial environment, the QQ cloud platform is open and transparent to all third-party developers and mercial partners. We hope that in addition to Tencent, our partners, petitors, independent developers and even individual users can create their cloud applications and share or sell them in application market. The QQ cloud will provide application suppliers with basic services, such as terminal patibility, customized settings, cloud storage, contact chain spreading, application management and payment system. With abundant applications, convenient management and safe usage, the QQ cloud is able to meet users' customized demands and better achieve user values. At the same time, it will give application suppliers access to users and contact chains, to better integrate upstream industry with downstream industry and make a joint exploration of new market potentials.


By developing the aforementioned technologies, by solving the three challenges I just talked about, Tencent hopes to bring more benefits to users with the support of cloud platform. In the principle of openness and cooperation, we hope to find more business opportunities for the IT industry.


Four sessions of the China-U.S. Internet Forum has been successfully held. This forum has bee a major munication and cooperation mechanism for the Internet industry of the two countries. Tencent is working hard to explore overseas markets to offer products and services to network users in the U.S. and other countries. We sincerely hope to take the advantage of this forum to enhance our munications with Internet panies in the two countries, discuss new trends, new technologies and new ideas of the industry and make our contribution to the development of the Internet in both China and the U.S., as well as other countries of the world!


Thank you!

